Review: Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian

by Eoin Colfer

Puffin Books, out now

Can Artemis Fowl prevent Opal Koboi from destroying the world?

It’s the last book in the popular long-running series, so all bets are off, and there are no guarantees that everyone is going to walk away from this story unscathed. And it’s not a spoiler to say that there are elements to this story that could only be part of the final tale in a series…

Colfer pulls out all the stops, tying up certain plotlines that have been ongoing, sometimes since the very first book, all the while telling a thrilling tale. Convoluted timelines, ancient myths, possession, fart jokes and a teenage genius who never wanted to be a hero are just some of the ingredients in a potent mix – and that’s before Mulch Diggums gets involved.

As Colfer has said, he’s now running out of ways of stopping Artemis from becoming a hero (amnesia, time travel etc) so perhaps it’s time that the eldest of the Fowl brothers steps up to the plate and does what only Artemis can. What is great for long-term fans is knowing how unreliable his plans can sometimes be – but will Holly and Foaly be able to help him this time?

If you’ve followed Artemis from the start, you’ll catch all the references but even if this is your first exposure to the boy genius, you’ll enjoy it – even if you’re considerably older than the Young Adult age group that it’s technically aimed at!

Verdict: Going out on a high, Colfer has kept some of the best for last.  8/10

Paul Simpson

Click here for our exclusive wide-ranging interview with Eoin Colfer

1 Comment

  1. It had the best ending i could have expected. A brilliant way to “pull all the stops” in the series and the last paragraph was simply unbelievable it even had me looking back.

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