The X-Files: Review: Series 10 Episode 3: Mulder and Scully meet the Were-Monster

x-Files 10.3Mulder and Scully investigate a tale of terrible transformation…

It’s easy to forget how well The X-Files could do comedy, and in the years since the show finished, David Duchovny has honed his skills in this area – which are put to good use in Darin Morgan’s incredibly enjoyable episode. There are plenty of nods to the past both of the show and of horror cinema history – most noticeably the headstone erected in memory of former producer Kim Manners – as well as some laugh aloud moments (Scully’s encounter in the cellphone store is just one of many), and some clever piss-taking of the series’ own inconsistencies. It may seem as if Gillian Anderson doesn’t have much to do, but she plays the “straight man” really well here – just look at her reactions to Mulder’s monologue (and if there’s an option ever of which Mulder monologue to rewatch, this one beats the paranoid verbiage in episode 1 hands down!).

You don’t want this one spoiled – there are just so many great moments throughout, from the stoners debating the merits of becoming a werewolf, to the capture of the killer and their disappointment at not being able to relay their own backstory. Rhys Darby’s performance as the titular monster is spot on with some tonal shifts that make the episode work well.

It’s The X-Files at its most insane… and the best of the bunch so far.

Verdict: An hour of insanity in that very particular X-Files way. 9/10

Paul Simpson