Blake’s 7: Big Finish Audio: The Liberator Chronicles 6.3: Blake’s Story

Blake's Story coverAround a campfire, Blake relates the tale of his travels to a rather surprising guest…

Okay, we know from the cover – and indeed from the first minute of the play – that it’s Avon to whom Blake is addressing his story, but, as you might expect, things aren’t exactly as they seem. For those who were concerned that  Mark Wright and Cavan Scott’s script might contradict the confrontation between the two men in the final episode of the TV series, you can take it as read that this doesn’t.

There are various aspects of Blake’s appearance in that conclusion which weren’t explained in the episode, most notably his appearance. Wright and Scott set up all of these, in what, thanks to Gareth Thomas’ versatile performance and the lavish soundscape, feels at times like a full-cast play. There are some neat shout-outs to the start of the series – even including a direct quotation of its title – and a sense that Blake knows that somehow his destiny is to fight to the end, no matter when that comes.

We know that there are some full-cast plays coming, but there is a sense with this entire box set that we have come to the end of an era with Blake’s 7, tying up many of the loose ends which were created thanks to the vagaries of television production.

Verdict: With links to Big Finish’s own additions to the canon, this is a fitting conclusion to Blake’s adventures. 8/10

Paul Simpson

Liberator Chronicles, The Vol 6 coverClick here to order The Liberator Chronicles volume 6 from Big Finish

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