Being Human: Review: Series 5 Episode 6: The Last Broadcast (Spoiler-free)

Being Human 506And so we reach the final curtain…

This is it. Toby Whithouse pulls out all the stops (and any other cliché you may care to use) to present a final hour for our supernatural trinity that will have you laughing out loud at the sheer chutzpah of some of the ideas on show – the first section with Hal for instance; wanting to cry at what happens to some of our heroes during the course of the episode; and punching the air with delight as things progress in a way that makes logical sense – in as much as logic can be brought to bear in this series.

All of the cast rise to the occasion: Phil Davis is simply magnificent in places, and some of the things that Captain Hatch says about the human race and its use (or lack thereof) for him are rather too close to home. The end of the episode – which under any circumstance do not allow yourself to be spoiled for – will have you wanting to rewatch the entire series (not just this season, but the whole of Being Human), and Whithouse excels with some clever touches.

Will it satisfy everyone? Of course not. But this is on a par with the Ashes to Ashes finale rather than Lost (and no, that’s not even remotely a clue as to what happens). If you’ve not caught this season, catch last week’s on iPlayer and then tune in on Sunday. You won’t regret it.

Verdict: Being Human goes out in style. 9/10

Paul Simpson

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