Being Human: Review: Series 3 Ep 5: The Longest Day

George’s day starts badly when he sees Herrick in the psych ward – and gets much worse when Nina brings him home…

The sort of episode that a show can only do once the audience is well and truly invested in its characters and the complex interplay between them, this is Being Human at its absolute best. Every relationship comes under the spotlight as the apparently amnesiac Herrick seems perfectly capable of causing dissension without seeming to do anything. A powerful scene between Mitchell and George harks back to the end of the very first episode, while Mitchell has an almost sickening piece of self-revelation in an argument with Annie.

If that weren’t enough, throw into the mix a social worker who’s so out of her depth it’s untrue, and the return of another vampiric nuisance from the past, and you’ve got the recipe for an episode that will keep fans on the edge of their seats as it becomes quite impossible to work out what is going to happen next.

All the ongoing plotlines are shoved forwards in new directions with the cast’s comments that “this year the biggest danger is from within” proving to be something of an understatement.

Not to be missed.  9/10

Paul Simpson

<<< Ep 4: The Pack

Don’t miss our interview with the stars of series 4, and our spoiler-free review of the first episode.

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