Eve: Review: Series 1 Episode 2: A Real Girl

Eve ep 2Eve tries to find a way to fit in…

There are some moments of real laugh aloud comedy in this second episode, which relies heavily on Poppy Lee Friar’s ability to play things completely straight. Sci-fi fans will enjoy the many references to other shows that appear – I counted multiple Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Terminator shout outs – while the younger audience will enjoy seeing a group of wannabes taken down quite spectacularly.

Rhona Kroker plays Katherine considerably straighter in this episode than in the first, which works to the character’s benefit, increasing her credibility. We still may not really be sure what her agenda is, but given how she repurposes one invention, it doesn’t bode well should she get her hands on Eve. Will’s father crosses both sets of plots, and Ben Cartwright judges his performance accordingly. He is not being portrayed as the idiot father which is something of a relief, as we really don’t need that sort of character in the show.

At the moment only one character is grating rather to an adult audience – although Elijah Ayite is giving a pretty accurate portrayal of that sort of kid – and hopefully there will be some consequences from his actions, rather than just a reaction shot in the tag.

Verdict: An enjoyably entertaining half hour. 7/10

Paul Simpson

Watch for our interview with writer and co-creator Emma Reeves coming soon!

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