Review: Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series (Blu-ray/DVD)

In which the Doctor is killed at the start of the season, but unsurprisingly isn’t really…

Matt Smith’s second series has divided critics, with many complaining that its overarching story was either off-putting, or just plain silly – but for at least some of the target audience, it’s been a resounding success. The split mid-season worked in retrospect, giving us effectively two short seasons, and setting the show up for its return to its traditional autumn slot next year.

The Blu-ray package isn’t up to the all-singing, all-dancing versions of the Tennant years – there are only commentaries on five of the 13 episodes, but they’re all fun to listen to – and the small leaflet accompanying isn’t the picture-fest that we got used to. But, as with last year, there are unique bonuses: five short scenes, grouped as Night and The Doctor, two of which see the Doctor answering difficult questions from Amy, another two featuring the Doctor and River (and a great performance from Matt Smith), and the final one a prequel to Closing Time, with James Corden panicking over looking after the baby for the first time for the weekend.

The contents from the original releases (The Monster Files) are present and correct, as are the Cut-Down versions of the late lamented Doctor Who Confidential, as well as what may well prove to be the series’ swansong, with a look behind the scenes of the mini-episodes in the set, and the prequels that were on the BBC website.

Verdict: Will Series 6 be regarded as a classic season of the show? Probably not. But I’d take this over much of Tennant’s final full year, or the specials.  7/10

Paul Simpson

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