Blake’s 7: Review: Big Finish Audio: The Liberator Chronicles 5.2: Risk Management

Risk Management coverBlake and Jenna try to ensure that a deal which will benefit the inhabitants of Sutskar and their Revolutionary Council goes according to plan…

A very different sort of story from its predecessor in this box set, Una McCormack’s tale reverts to the enhanced audiobook style which characterised these releases when they began. It’s narrated by Gareth Thomas as Blake, his voice showing his age perhaps a little more than previously – understandable, given how much he’s got to say in this – but still maintaining Blake’s occasionally holier than thou attitude, and the arrogance/strong self-belief (delete as applicable) which drove him. Sally Knyvette gets a chance to do a bit more than simply Jenna in this – the voice of the space station with its long drawn-out “beautiful” raises a wry smile.

McCormack, a long time fan of the series, knows the characters, and how they’ll jump in situations. This is Blake’s 7 as Robin Hood in space, Blake using the Liberator and his position to assist those in need, which makes a pleasant change from the space wars that is often how the series is viewed.

The only minor niggle is that the jump from past-tense narration by Blake, which sometimes includes reported speech, to present tense dialogue between him and Jenna is sometimes a little jarring – and to whom exactly is Blake relaying the story?

Verdict: A story with a lighter touch than some we’ve had recently. 7/10

Paul Simpson

The Liberator Chronicles - Volume 5 coverClick here to order The Liberator Chronicles volume 5 from Big Finish

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