Thunderbirds Are Go: Review: Series 1 Episode 25: Undercover

TBs 1.25An inadvertent mistake by the GDF leads to Penelope and Parker being put in danger… 

The penultimate episode for this series of Thunderbirds Are Go continues the themes set up last week culminating in Kayo making a decision that perhaps should have been made some time ago (although it was set up in the pilot and pretty much ignored for most of the series). It feels very much as if the producers are consciously trying to re-set the series template in preparation for the second year with International Rescue now definitely taking a more proactive role.

It’s quite unusual to have an episode whose clips in the credit sequence don’t feature any of the International Rescue main craft at all, which did make me think this was going to be another one of the Lady Penelope and Parker-centric episodes. However, this one gave us more insight into the GDF as well as Kayo’s increasing desire to get more involved. Parker’s escape was nicely done, particularly as it appeared to be a mistake in the first instance that made sense once the episode was over – although didn’t Penelope say that the factory was deserted?

Verdict: A rather different sort of episode again – will this be the template for the new season? 7/10

Paul Simpson