Review: Counter-Measures: Big Finish Audio: 4.1: New Horizons

CM0401_newhorizons_1417Rachel and the team investigate a new monorail project whose technology seems far too good to be true…

Mark Wright and Cavan Scott return to the Counter-Measures universe with this story that takes the team into an area that Justin Richards has mined very successfully in his Never War series, with an element of mythology turning out to be considerably more real than most people would believe. It’s a fun idea that gives Karen Gledhill, in particular, a chance to play some different sides to Allison Williams.

There’s plenty enough in this for it to be a “normal” Counter-Measures story but there’s an extra side to it, as a result of events at the end of the third box set. (If you’ve not heard that, then frankly a lot of this episode, and particularly the tag scene, won’t make a lot of sense.) Things aren’t quite as they seem, with Rachel and Allison’s interactions with the rest of the team not as they have been in the past, and Rachel, in particular, beginning to wonder if she is going mad, or whether Sir Toby and Gilmore aren’t quite who they say they are. (Listeners will know the answer to that from the start, of course.) It adds another level of paranoia to an already-taut series, and Wright and Scott tighten the screws as the story progresses.

Verdict: A good start to a rather different set of adventures for the group. 8/10

Paul Simpson