Gotham: Review: Series 2 Episode 6: By Fire

Gotham 2.6Jim becomes caught between a promise to Selina and his duty to the GCPD…

As a number of people have commented, this episode feels as if it’s leading into a hiatus in some description. The final revelation – which I’m not going to spoil here – resets the board completely, and coupled with last week’s flashback to the history of the Wayne family, it seems as if the producers are intent on creating a very different back story from the D.C. original.

The methods that Theo Galavan is using to achieve political power are becoming a little repetitive; let’s hope there’s not another politician in danger of self harm in the background of the next few episodes. There’s some nice work from Drew Powell as Butch, to the extent that you really can’t tell which side the character is on at the end of the episode – which could mean a very interesting confrontation for the Penguin next time round.

The Firefly plotline plays out moderately predictably – is there anyone who didn’t guess that she would go back to save the girls later in the episode? Camren Bicondova once again shows that she is one of the strength of the series, but I do want to see her back with David Mazouz as Bruce in the not too distant future .

Perhaps the most shocking element of the episode though involves Ed Nygma and his ill-fated romance with Miss Kringle. His schizophrenic nature couldn’t be better demonstrated than by their final scene together, some excellent work from both Cory Michael Smith and Chelsea Spack.

Verdict: After a couple of episodes of treading water, Gotham is back on form. 8/10

Paul Simpson