Star Trek: Review: Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive #5

Primate 5by Scott and David Tipton

Art by Rachael Stott

IDW, out now

“I’ll pretend this whole thing never happened” – Colonel George Taylor

In some ways, I don’t need to do more than just quote this line from near the end of this issue. It sums up the entire crossover – which ends predictably with tie-ins to the next two films in the original saga (although it suggests that the gap between the end of Planet of the Apes and the end of Beneath is a mere three days – those better versed in the Ape saga can confirm if this is accurate? It seems odd.)

There’s a decent amount of ape action in this episode, and a confirmation of one of the credos of the series, but it’s been a Star Trek story from the start, and that’s how it pretty much finishes (bar the tie-in referenced above).

The covers have demonstrated more imagination than any single one of the issues. A waste of a very promising crossover.


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