Agents of SHIELD: Review: Series 2 Episode 15: One Door Closes

Shield 2.15It’s another SHIELD Civil War as Gonzalez and his people make their move against Coulson and his…

A pattern is developing in this second half of SHIELD’s sophomore season, with one slightly weaker episode followed by one that plays to the series’ strengths. With extended flashbacks to the period of the SHIELD vs HYDRA battle in The Winter Soldier, this week’s story hits the ground running, and races to its climax, servicing many of the ongoing plots along the way – although perhaps wisely not trying to add Ward into the mix.

It seemed odd that Mac and Bobbi would be drawn to a different SHIELD team, and the flashbacks go a long way to explaining why they feel a loyalty to Gonzales, although I’m not at all convinced yet which side Mockingbird is really on. There’s some great action sequences both in the past and present, and a very good scene between Simmons and Bobbi that doesn’t play out quite as you’d expect.

The Skye plotline takes the expected step – hands up anyone who really didn’t expect Gordon to make an appearance at some point – and suitable weight is given to her powers when they are demonstrated. It’s clearly leading towards further father/daughter moments for her with both her real and “adopted” parent…

Verdict: A thoroughly entertaining hour. 8/10

Paul Simpson

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