True Blood: Review: Season 4 Ep 12

HBO, September 11 (US)

Sookie dumps two boyfriends and gets propositioned by another. Marnie, possessing Lafayette, gets revenge from beyond the grave but her plans are go awry as it is Halloween and the glorious dead of Bon Temps  cemetery are partyin’. Jason gets a punch on the nose and Jessica sets out the ground rules for their relationship. Terry becomes a zombie.

It’s Halloween and there are more supernatural monsters in Bon Temps than there are real live folk playing dress up. Ghosts, demons, ghouls and all the rest make for some funny clashes, but why bother with one night when every night has its share of supes and spooks?

There is quite a lot of actual death (including major characters) as well as the walking dead populating this episode. There have probably been rather too many characters around this season and altogether too many storylines, so with the reappearance of some old enemies promised in the concluding act of the episode, it seems a little pruning was in order.

Some characters may have become a little redundant and the signals were there a couple of episodes back, but if this sort of thing upsets you, it might be wise to keep the hankies to hand. Otherwise, this is a cracking, fast-paced episode which says goodbye and good riddance to the witches.

Verdict: Exit witches, enter… something better left buried?

Episode 12 ‘And When I Die’: 8/10

Brigid Cherry

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