Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: CC Special: The Mists of Time

Jo Grant recalls her visit to a planet where visions of the past surround the present…

The timing of the release of the Companion Chronicles Box Set does this particular story no favours, as there is an unfortunate coincidence of conceit between it and another tale that’s come out in the last few weeks – although as with that, it’s not obvious until very close to the end of the story. It’s a shame that some people may think this is a rip-off, because I can remember thinking that it was a neat trick when The Mists of Time first was released, as a freebie with Doctor Who Magazine.

Jonathan Morris gives Katy Manning some nice challenges, and she rises to them, producing some interesting accents for the various members of the expedition that Jo and the third Doctor meet. And while Manning has made it clear that recreating Jon Pertwee’s voice was difficult for her emotionally, she does a good job, getting the gruffness and caring that characterised this incarnation, particularly when he was in his Mother Hen mode.

Verdict: A clever idea, with an appropriately bittersweet ending.  7/10

Paul Simpson

Available as part of the Companion Chronicles: The Specials Box Set from Big Finish

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