Review: Doctor Who: Big Finish Audio: Short Trips 606: Lost and Found

DWST0606_lostandfound_1417A lost toy is critical to the fate of the world…

This month’s short trip is read by Anneke Wills, bringing to life her original TARDIS team. As with the majority of the current new releases, there are some plot-critical twists in this story that means a full review would need to wait until it’s been out there some time and everyone’s aware of it. However, there’s plenty to enjoy in this latest outing, which has echoes of David Ellis and Malcolm Hulke’s original plans for The Faceless Ones, as well as one of the later New Adventures.

Penelope Faith’s script gives Wills plenty of opportunity for the sparring between Polly and Ben, as well as demonstrating the gentler side to Troughton’s Doctor. There are a couple of lovely lines that could only be used this early in the incarnation, although there are also a couple that shouldn’t really have made it through the edit – Polly thinking about the “dynamic” between her and Ben blurs the objective view of a Who-fan with the subjective view of the character too much and becomes something of a speedbump as you start wondering if the “Duchess” would ever have thought like that!

Verdict: A pleasant vignette that fits well into the period it’s set. 7/10

Paul Simpson