Feature: The Art of Jim Burns: Hyperluminal

Seasons of Plenty (Colin Greenland) Plasma Launch (Personal) His Conquering Sword (Kate Elliot) Gorgónavis (Personal)Jim Burns’ startling otherworldly visions have adorned the book covers of countless renowned SF authors, including George R R Martin, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Peter F Hamilton, Anne McCaffrey, Robert Silverberg, Joe Haldeman and many more. He also produced early concept ideas for movies such as Blade Runner.

The Art of Jim Burns: Hyperluminal is a brand-new collection, spanning 40 years of his life. It contains a carefully chosen selection of his most iconic pieces and commentary from the man himself, and we’ve got a selection of artwork courtesy of Titan Books – click on the thumbnails to open in full screen.


The book is published on September 26th.



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