Blake’s 7: Review: Big Finish Audio 2.6: Truth and Lies

B7CA0206_truthandlies_1417The Liberator crew finally catch up with Dayna – but are they too late to save her?

I had high hopes for this concluding part of the second series of full-cast audios, and I wasn’t disappointed. If you only pick up one story from the set, then make it this one – Justin Richards’ script gives everyone plenty to do, throws a few fun curveballs into the mix (providing Michael Keating with some excellent scenes), and resolves the storyline. It also quite deliberately plays on the changes to the crew for this season.

Not only does each of the crew – including Tom Chadbon’s Del Grant – get their own moment in the spotlight, but there’s enough room for both guest stars Beverley Hills and Nigel Carrington to make their mark, with the possibility of at least one of them making a return appearance down the line (along with a number of other plot threads set up in this season). Alastair Lock’s soundscape, including the music, drops the listener exactly where they need to be, and Lisa Bowerman’s direction keeps things at the right tempo, allowing the scenes to develop at a sensible pace.

Hopefully a third season of full-cast audios will be announced shortly that maintains the high standard set by this year’s, but this series has concluded with an hour of pure Blake’s 7 – congratulations to all involved.

Verdict: An excellent conclusion to an enjoyable saga. 10/10

Paul Simpson

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