Being Human: Review: Series 3 Ep 4: The Pack

George and Nina seek MacNair’s advice over her pregnancy as Annie tries to find a way to consummate her relationship with Mitchell…

Once again, this episode is comprised of a heady mixture of violence, sex, black humour and action, which, apart from an absolutely appalling wig worn by Robson Green in the flashback sequence at the beginning, hardly puts a foot wrong.

Annie’s desperation to be able to get close to Mitchell leads to a scene that begins as comedy and turns into something far darker and revealing of Mitchell, while the finale, featuring four werewolves, a number of vampires and a very frightened Annie, is one of the most visceral the show has produced.

Allegiances keep shifting throughout the hour, and a number of plotlines are seeded for the second half of the season, although it’s a shame that certain members of the vampire clan are removed during the episode. Mitchell’s worry about the “wolf-shaped bullet” that he was promised when he went to Purgatory is beginning to take its toll, and he’s starting to alienate the very people he’ll need if he has a chance of survival. It doesn’t help that the core quartet begin the episode keeping secrets from each other…  8/10

Paul Simpson

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