Under the Dome: Review: Series 1 Episode 9: The Fourth Hand

Dome 9Linda discovers some unpalatable truths about her former boss; Big Jim and Barbie discover that they have more in common than they first believed; and Junior’s obsession with Angie may have deeper cause than just his psychosis…

As the first season of Under the Dome starts to head towards the finale, it should be time to start getting some answers, but in fact, all we are given in this episode are more questions. Who is the mysterious Max, and what hold does she have over both Barbie and Big Jim that they do what she tells them, albeit with a certain reluctance? How did the mini-egg start to influence Josh so he moved it at dead of night? (To give Josh and Norrie something to do during the episode, is the answer that’s hard to resist.) Will people stop coming out with horribly clichéd? (No, is the definite answer to that.)

Bringing guest stars into this series is difficult – we’re apparently on the eighth day since the Dome came down, and Max’s appearance out of nowhere is pretty incredible, but hopefully she’s the last new face that we’re going to see who’s as important to the plot. (I can hope, but I’d be surprised if that turns out to be the case: there are bound to be new cast members in the second season.) Max certainly should shake things up, but unless handled carefully, could weaken Big Jim’s character.

Verdict: The plotline with the mini-dome is potentially the most interesting, but isn’t yet getting the weight it needs – the soap opera elements continue to threaten to overbalance the series. 6/10

Paul Simpson


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