Resurrection: Review: Series 1 Episode 3: Two Rivers

Resurrection 3Jacob tries to get through to his father; Tom faces problems at church; and Caleb seems to be the same person he always was…

Things are now moving far away from the original Jason Mott novel, even if the episode ends with another character from that story making her first appearance. The murder mystery connected to Jacob’s death continues to unfold, allowing Matt Craven a terrific monologue in a bar – a far cry from the role as Secretary of the Navy Jarvis on NCIS for which he’s best known.

The acting standard is strong across the board – hardly surprising, given the calibre of cast that’s been attracted to the project. There’s a scene between Kurtwood Smith and Frances Fisher in which a moment of silence is allowed to stretch to good effect, and Landon Gimenez is giving Intruders’ Millie Brown a run for her money as the best child actor on genre television at the moment. His moments with Omar Epps are very powerful, particularly when he’s describing the nightmare he’s had and then returning to being an ordinary child.

The Caleb plot may be getting a little too melodramatic; he’s a little too obviously a bad guy so hopefully some shades of grey will be introduced to the character. There’s some nice chemistry between Epps and Devin Kelley which is being underplayed as much as the other thread is being overdone.

I suspect we’re going to see more of Mark Hildreth’s Pastor Tom in the next couple of episodes, given both the reaction of his church board (which, sad to say, is far too typical of people who profess to be Christian) and the return of someone he clearly knows well.

Verdict: The questions are starting to pile up; hopefully a few answers will start to emerge. 7/10

Paul Simpson


<<<Episode 2: Unearth

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