Review: Primeval Series 4 Ep 2

Determined not to be left out, Connor tries to deal with an incursion on his own…

Now this is more like the old show – an urban myth (creature flushed down the toilet grows in the sewer), innocent members of the public screaming as they’re dragged to their deaths, Connor not quite getting things right, Lester being sarcastic. After a necessarily exposition-heavy opener, Primeval’s second episode shows that the new team have the fire of their predecessors.

While it occasionally seems that James Lester might be a little softer than before, there’s steel in his dealings with Philip, and the relationship between the two runners of the ARC is clearly going to be full of flashpoints. Matt is also developed further, although his enigmatic conversations with (the so-far still unnamed on screen) Gideon could prove annoying unless there’s some momentum soon. Jess certainly seems very trusting, allowing Connor of all people free access to her computer!

HD broadcast shows up any defects in effects work, but The Mill are to be congratulated on their contributions this year so far.  

Verdict: With taut direction by Mark Everest, and a strong script by Steve Bailie, Primeval is clearly back on course.  7/10

Paul Simpson

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