Jessica Jones: Review: Series 1 Episode 11: AKA I’ve Got the Blues

Jessica 1.11Jessica tries to locate Kilgrave but Simpson has other plans…

And so we finally get the chance to see Trish Walker in action as a superhero, courtesy of the red pills that Simpson has been popping – and it is rather magnificent. The power does however come with a rather major downside (forgetting to breathe), and Jessica’s attempts to save her are echoed by flashbacks to the two girls’ time together as teenagers, when Jessica finally gets between Trish and her mother. The casting has been one of the strengths of this series, and the actors playing the younger versions of the two leads are both spot on. I suspect that this “super soldier” element involving Simpson is going to drag on into the other series – it’s not the most involving plotline, and I’d rather have seen more of the teenagers.

Elsewhere Malcolm is starting to think carefully about what he’s involved with, but we don’t get a great deal of movement on other plotlines… until the end when Luke is almost catastrophically involved back in Jessica’s life. It did cross my mind that he might now be kept off the scene until his own series (which hopefully Krysten Ritter will be appearing in), but assuming it was Kilgrave who was responsible then things are about to get even more interesting.

Verdict: Some further backstory revelations power this episode into the climax of the show. 8/10

Paul Simpson